
Showing posts from May, 2024
Timing is Everything: Biden's Missteps in Florida Politics Eduardo A. Gamarra   Biden's reelection campaign ignores two fundamental principles of politics. The first is that in politics, timing is everything. Equally important is the old adage by Thomas "Tip" O'Neill that "all politics is local." These principles are crucial in the delicate dance of political strategy and public perception.  Niccolò Machiavelli's insights in "The Prince" emphasize the importance of recognizing and seizing opportunities, suggesting that political success is determined by strategy and the ability to exploit favorable circumstances. A more contemporary view comes from Steven L. Taylor, whose "Outside the Beltway” articles repeatedly emphasize the critical role of timing in political strategy and decision-making. The Biden administration's recent actions in Florida, particularly concerning Cuban policy, exemplify a disregard for these insights, jeopard
 The End of Judicial Independence in the Americas One of the most fundamental lessons we impart in civics education is that the principle of separation of powers is crucial to democratic governance, designed to prevent any single branch of government from holding excessive power. At the heart of this balance is the judiciary's independence, serving as a neutral arbiter in legal disputes and a safeguard against other branches' abuses of power. Yet, in the past decade, the politicization of judicial appointments has severely challenged this ideal, not only in established democracies like the United States but also across the volatile democratic landscapes of Latin America. In the United States, the integrity of the judiciary is being severely tested by the increasing politicization of Supreme Court appointments. Recent controversies, such as the involvement of two Justices' spouses in polarizing political debates, underscore the severity of the situation. Moreover, the explic