
Showing posts from November, 2023
The Complex Stance of Venezuelan-Americans on Immigration Policies Eduardo A. Gamarra Professor of Politics and International Relations Director, Latino Public Opinion Forum Florida International University This week, a revealing survey by the Latino Public Opinion Forum at Florida International University cast new light on the attitudes of Venezuelan-Americans in Florida towards U.S. immigration policy. Notably, these are individuals who are registered to vote, thereby reflecting a crucial demographic in a politically pivotal state. Strikingly, amidst general discontent with U.S. policy towards Venezuela, 45% of respondents expressed full support for the deportation of undocumented migrants. This statistic is particularly poignant given that these respondents, now U.S. citizens, have successfully navigated their own immigration challenges.  Such attitudes, however, are not unprecedented. Historical patterns show that first-generation immigrants often adopt similar stances once their o
La Compleja Postura de los Venezolano-Americanos sobre las Políticas de Inmigración Eduardo A. Gamarra Profesor de Política y Relaciones Internacionales Director, Foro de Opinión Pública Latina Universidad Internacional de la Florida Esta semana, una reveladora encuesta del Foro de Opinión Pública Latino de la Universidad Internacional de Florida arrojó nueva luz sobre las actitudes de los venezolano-americanos en Florida hacia la política de inmigración de EE.UU. Cabe destacar que estos individuos están registrados para votar, reflejando así un demográfico crucial en un estado políticamente decisivo. Sorprendentemente, en medio del descontento general con la política de EE.UU. hacia Venezuela, el 45% de los encuestados expresó un apoyo total a la deportación de migrantes indocumentados. Esta estadística es particularmente conmovedora, dado que estos encuestados, ahora ciudadanos estadounidenses, han superado con éxito sus propios desafíos de inmigración. Sin embargo, tales actitudes n
The Fragile Mosaic of Miami in the Shadow of Republican Political Proposals Eduardo A. Gamarra Miami stands as a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of myriad immigrant stories, each strand vital to the city's pulsing, colorful life. Yet, this mosaic trembled when presidential hopefuls converged on the city, declaring unyielding immigration crackdowns as their top agenda. In a debate on November 9 and a parallel rally in Hialeah, candidates paraded promises of mass deportations and military enforcement—a jarring discord against Miami's image as the Capital of Americas. The Rhetoric Versus Reality As the candidates' voices echoed in unison for hardline immigration measures, their dissonance with Miami's immigrant identity was stark. Their rhetoric, loaded with the weight of potential policy, seems to overlook the city's intrinsic character, leveraging fear for political gain—a strategy that not only distorts public perception but also sows apprehension within the